Changing Your Job or Career Path Library

Perhaps you are looking for a new job or even planning on a total shift in the direction of your career. Either way, I have got the goods. Check out some of my previous blog posts, which are geared to helping you find and secure your dream career opportunity. If there is another topic you would like me to write about, then get in touch and let me know!

Is your cover letter up to scratch? I mean, is it really? If you aren’t sure, you better get into this post and see for yourself – stat! : Are you worried your cover letter is killing your chances? – Pop Your Career
9 Resume Design Tips To Help You Stand Out From The Crowd - Pop Your Career
What is your why? Have you ever stopped to think about it? By defining your purpose you can become clear about your motivators and get closer to crafting your dream career.
Create a professional portfolio to impress potential employers and develop your personal brand. Use these tips and tricks to secure your dream position!
Behavioural interviews are a great way for employers to gauge your capability based on past behaviour. Use these tips to win at a behavioural interview!
A resume is your vehicle for a first impression. Is your resume a shiny red sportscar, a mid range white station wagon or an old brown wreck?
Do you tailor your resume to suit each role you are applying for? If not, you are missing an opportunity. Find out how in this post: How to tailor your resume and delight your new employer – Pop Your Career
The STAR Method- How to Use It To Get Ahead In Your Career - Instagram
Are you completely satisfied with your career? Most people aren't, but it isn't a hopeless cause. The Career Fulfilment Framework is a system that you can use to identify the areas of your career that need work. The framework will then then guide you through the improvement process so that you can achieve your ultimate career nirvana. ~ Pop Your Career
6 Reasons You Should Hire A Career Coach ~ Pop Your Career
The hidden job market is growing quickly. Learn how to tap into this market to find the vacancies that aren't being advertised and get your dream job!
5 ways your resume design is failing you miserably - Pop Your Career - Pop Your Career
 When To Include an Objective in your Resume (And When to Ditch It!) - Instagram
Got a phone interview scheduled? Follow these tips to make sure you nail it!
Heard of testimonials, but wondering what the big deal is? Let me show you how testimonials can improve your credibility and help you snag your dream job.
First impressions are everything so make sure your personal presentation is on point! It would be a shame to miss out on your dream job because you missed these tips!
Do you have a professional profile on your resume? Make sure you are pitching yourself to employers effectively with the tips in this post: How to Make Your Professional Profile Pop ~ Pop Your Career
Don't let the new year ruin your career ~ Pop Your Career
Are you making a career change? Optimise your resume for the transition by highlighting your transferable skills - follow these practical tips!
How would you describe your job-seeking mindset? If it is close to one of these four examples, you are probably turning off future employers!
Are you looking for some quick and easy ways to improve your resume? These simple tips are sure to help you maximise your chances of being called for an interview and securing your dream role – Pop Your Career
Want to get a promotion? Don't stand idly by. In this post I am sharing 7 thoughtful ways that you can improve your chances of getting the promotion you have worked so hard for. ~ Pop Your Career
Wondering how to prepare for a job interview? In this post, I share 9 easy to implement tips to make sure that you are 100% prepared for your interview!
Your cover letter goes hand in hand with your resume to make a first impression that could be the epitome of brilliance or a downright disaster.