Searching for jobs online can feel like a very difficult task. But before you know it, you hit the motherlode, and you have a starting date lined up in a really great job. The end is finally in sight, right?
But why we've been working hard at getting your ideal job, now is where you have to step up to the plate. There are many concerns, such as making a good first impression but also making sure that you are emotionally prepared for your first day. What are the things that you need to consider?
Getting Your Health Back in Check
While most employers offer drug and alcohol screening tests, health is more about ensuring that you are ready to navigate the rigours of the nine-to-five job. If you've been unemployed for a while, it can take a while to get back into the swing of things. Start to get a pattern in place. Wake up at the same time every day, but also bring about a structure, so that you are ready to hit the ground running. If you have taken the opportunities to sleep in all this time, it can be a massive shock to the system on the first day.
Plan Your Commute
Whether you take public transport or drive yourself, it's important to turn up early for your first real day at work. Do the route to work a few times before your first day, and at the same time you plan on commuting. That way, you can get a feel for your daily commute, and showing up early on your first day makes a far better impression than being very late.
Dressing the Part
You might spend some time planning your perfect outfit. But make sure that you ask plenty of questions in the run-up to the first day. They may have a business casual dress code or a business formal dress code. There are distinct differences between the two. If you have any doubts, it's far better to dress more formally than less.
Be Ready for Anything!
Some people may gauge the work environment as a relaxed one, but find that as soon as they hit the office on that first day, they are thrown deep into the fire. You need to be prepared for anything. You may very well end up filling out a lot of forms on your first day, or you could be going a mile a minute. Whatever happens, be prepared mentally and physically.
Be Ready To Learn
They may have hired you because you are a good fit in a cultural sense, or you have the skills. If you do not have the skills, you've got to be ready to learn. The first few weeks are quite a learning curve. And the most important thing you can do is learn to ask questions. You have to gain clarity when possible. There is nothing more difficult than learning the hard way during the first few days.
The first day is always daunting, but as long as you prepare yourself mentally and physically, you will hit the ground running.